I don't know what I feel...
...but deep inside, I wish that I don't have to go back to West Malaysia.
I have been studying there for four years and this is my third year university.
Two more years to go before graduation.
Guys, help me..
I really need something to make me think that I would have a great fun going back there.
This is what i said...
Finally, this is the moment.
(p/s: Guys, please pray for my safe journey. I'm worried of swine flu actually...)
shah, relax la.. I've been here all the time and I didn't get any.. hahaha..
word of advise, stay away from foreigners.. but if u're starting to get a fever, sneezing or coughing, go straight to the clinic.. precaution only.. but don't worry, it'll be alright.. insyaAllah.. (^^,)
I pray for your safe journey ya..
uitm png ker??
don worry bro
u'll be fine there
and always remember ur frens
that will make u happy to go back there
justnajmie:huhuhu.. thanks for that advice..
roslinda:taklah.. uum.. amek flight kat penang..
judiene: thanks judiene. sedey nih..
alallalaa..jgn pigi...nnt saia rindu sama kmooo d sni lewwwww
insyaAllah tak da ape2 yang berlaku.. Jauhi dari foreigner k..
**alamak kecian Foreigner..
Ur frenz will be pray for u..
**yang pentig..beshh owww dapt g sane...hehehe;)
wah wah.
santek baju anda.
kan de blog update kat sudut blog ko yang indah lagi kacak neh.
nape tak check?
takan aku nak selak page ko tetiap kali de entri baru.
ALERT bai.
Semoga bertemu jodoh...hahaha...mesti ko bersemangat nak balik...
lorr...lps ni msti bz n jrg update blog kn...
xpe shah...yg pntg study kn...kna brsmngt...
klau tkut kna h1n1...pkai la mask tu...n jgn pergi tmpt2 rmai org..jaga kesihatan elok2...
hrp2 dijauhkn la h1n1 tu kn..aminn :)
ledia: au rindu gak akew? r u ok? hahaha...
sasha: foreigner je ek? hehehehe..
yaziith: kekadang blog aku ni fening.. so kalo ada update, dia tak gtau pon kekadang.
mohd fakhrurazi: aku tak hingin pun nak balik sana razi oi..
sha89: insya-Allah, blog ni akan diupdate. paling kurang pun sekali seminggu. rajin2 jenguk k?
Blajar lagi?
Zaman belajar zaman paling seronok...
Kerje???..susah nak dijangka
shah dont worry ok! nana pon risau gak sbb esok dah nak balik kl dan kes swine flu tu pulak tgh hot kat kl tuh...
huhu...i pray for ur safety ok!
rajin2 update ok! nanti saye lalu lalang kat page kamu ni...
2 years tu kjp je la...nana lg 3 years nak grade ni!
have fun! =)
nk g mne??
Tepuk dada tanya selera. You know what's best 4 u.
lg 2 thun nk abes blaja?
amik kos ape ehh.?
firol: depends ngan org gak firol.. macam aku, aku ske dua2..
misz nana: dua tahun tu tak kejap nana oi.. lama tuh..
shaza: shah, nak balik uum. huhuhuh...
precious:thanks dear..
juliet:yup 2 taun lg. amek TEYL. penah dengar cos tu?
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