My ClaN

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


People say....

"Nothing last forever in this world."

And a friend of mine actually questioned that by saying,

"If nothing last forever, will you be my nothing?"

Well, it's hard to explain.

So, let it be.

I went to Mydin last week and decided to buy a new pencil case.

My friends commented that it looks girlish as it has a few girlish decorations on it.

Who cares???

The new one... Cam pompuan ek?

But it was hard to say good-bye to my old pencil case.

Ada teddybear lagi.. Chumil...

A hole? Hehehehe...

Aiya, zip pun suda tarak...

It has served me since 2001 and I remember buying it at the price of RM 2.00.

Cheap but it lasts a few years with me.

There are memories with my old pencil case.

But thanks for serving me for 10 wonderful years.


nabilah_2908 said...

tkde la mcm perempuan sngt...peduli la apa org nk kt.. ;)

jom ke APA KATA HATI pulak,

-pRincEsS iN dIstReSs- said...

precisely...AWALUDDIN SAFAR said its girlish! but i think its lovely! :))

RIP teddy bear! :'(

Faizal Sulaiman said...

heh shah, ok la tu pencil case tu. motif kontemporari:)

Ken Wooi said...

very old pencil case.. i wonder where's mine.. =P

baincardin said...

Salam. Jom kita menghayatinya bersama! ^_^

zetty said...

wahh..lme nyerr pencil case tue berkhidmat....10thun...hehehe said...

wah shah..
comelnya pencil case de teddy bear tuh =)

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