My ClaN

Friday, March 12, 2010


I was on Facebook when Looi posted her status:

“I need ponteng (break).”

It sort of made me realize that I have been doing all the stuffs here in UUM.

We went for Foster Program, Muafakat Project and the next one would be BTN Camp.

And in the middle of the whole thing, I need to study for exams and quizzes.

Not to mention my incomplete assignments which only God knows when I would have it done.

I need a break.

I did skip my classes a few times but that did not satisfy me.

I feel that I need to get off from this jungle of Sintok and go somewhere that would help me to clear my mind.

I really need to go out.

I really do.

But where?

My dad, me n my mommy. Miss this moment a lot. And I miss KK as well. I remember having a real difficult moment at that time after the "break-up". But holiday really cleared my mind.

4 comments: said...

saya ada pi KK last month..

Mohd Fakhrurazi Jamaludin said...

Huhuhu.Dulu masa aku kecewa,aku terus pegi bercuti.

akhis said...

~masa break dulu mem busy kan diri...
~tapi bukan sengaja nk busy pun..sbb mmg BUSY pun..hehehe

mesin.taip said...


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