Grey's Anatomy is soooo last year!!!

Well, my answer was:
It is NOT soooo last year but it was way back in 2005.
Well, a few friends have criticized me for watching Grey's Anatomy.
I believe Grey's Anatomy might be so not the in-thing now but I always feel that it is a relevant show to watch.
You know why?
Here's the answers:
1. Grey's Anatomy talks about life, in fact real thing that happened in life like death.
2. Grey's Anatomy always makes me realise that whatever happens for a reason.
3. Grey's Anatomy teaches me about mistakes and how to fix it.
4. Grey's Anatomy shows you that love conquers everything no matter in what situation.

I remember having a bad day when I watched one of the episodes where Meredith and Cristina was comparing whose life sucks more.
And that point I realised that I always complained about how unfortunate I am but I forgot that there are people who went through worse stuffs in their life.
Therefore, I am GRATEFUL for what I am.
Well, Grey's Anatomy might not be as "modern" or "trendy" compared to Glee, Gossip Girl or whatsoever but it makes you think about LIFE.
This is one of the best moments and seriously, I miss Izzie and George.
(p/s: I am not against Glee and Gossip Girl but I look for something that teaches me about life value.)
oh really?
but i like this show...
best wat..
~ DanieL AdiE ~
Enjoy what you like dude! (^_^)
No need to care for what others r saying. My view, it's cool when we r not so nk trikut2 ngn trend.
one thing i really loved about grey's anatomy from the first time i ever watched an episode of it till now is the profound voice-overs at the end of each show.
I was once addicted to Grey's Anatomy. I don't really like the idea of having more than 3 seasons. Why can't ALL American TV Series follow Korean's style - once season done, it's done for eternity - and they'll create another successful story.
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