It has been quite some time since Science and Math in English policy was abolished.I was having sahur with my roomate and one thing led to another.This topic came up because we were talking about this one professor who teaches us this semester.I remember when she said:"It's a sad thing to see coz we always stop in the middle and we never finish what we start. Seriously, it's a total BULLSHIT!!!"
She was actually referring 'we' to those who decided to abolish the policy.When we were having this discussion in class, one my classmates pointed out:"They say it's a burden to the students having Science and Math in English. One of the bloggers I know said that the policy would not help the Malay students as well as those who are in rural areas. I wonder why they are giving such standard to the Malay students as well as those in rural areas?"
Yup, these people mentioned that.One of the bloggers that I know also said the same thing.PPSMI is a burden to Malay students and those in rural areas.(Jap.. Let me point this out in Malay...)
Aku heran nape perlu kite letakkan standard macam tu pada budak-budak Melayu dan mereka yang dok pendalaman. Kenape?Budak-budak Melayu sekarang bodoh sangat ke sampai diaorang takleh nak blaja Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris?Dan budak-budak yang dok pendalaman? Mundur sangat ke diaorang sampai diaorang takleh nak paham ape yang diajar?Bagi aku secara peribadi adalah TAK!!!Budak-budak Melayu dan mereka yang dok pendalaman TAK seteruk yang disangka.Malah mereka lebih pandai sekiranya diberi peluang untuk majukan diri.Dan bagi aku, yang paling penting, CIKGU yang mengajar diaorang tu...Diaorang kena pandai motivate pelajar untuk belajar.Tapi apa yang menyedihkan, sesetengah guru tidak berminat untuk bantu pelajar.Ape yang diaorang sibuk adalah DIRI SENDIRI!!!Sedih bile memikirkan ada sesetengah guru yang mengajar bukan untuk majukan anak bangsa tapi hanya untuk dapat GAJI BUTA. Aku sendiri datang daripada pendalaman kat Sarawak tapi I can still speak and write well in English.Aku bukan nak bangga diri tapi cikgu-cikgu di sekolah aku dulu cukup amik berat tentang para pelajar.Dan mereka cuba pelbagai cara supaya pelajar dapat kuasai Bahasa Inggeris dengan baik.Dan inilah para guru yang sibuk MAJUKAN ANAK BANGSA dan bukan melepas batuk di tangga.(Jap.. Nak tukar bahasa balik...)
So, whatever it is, the policy has been abolished.I really hope that teachers who read this would realise their responsibility.Whatever things you wanna say regarding this entry, it's up to you.Coz for me, there's no point arguing. The policy was already abolished.
(p/s: My teacher once said, "Shah, it's hard to change people completely but a little change would make a great difference in our life.")