My ClaN

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nak Kecikkan Badan...

Dah TAHUN BARU 2010 kan?

So mesti ada azam baru.

Tahun ni aku nak kecikkan badan aku sebelom balik maktab.

Setakat ni aku dah try exercise dan jaga makan.

Exercise memang aku buat tapi aku terpaksa stop sebab kaki injured.(Ceh!!! Alasan jek tu!!!)

Tapi aku rasa yang aku masih tak boleh nak jaga makan elok-elok.

Aku memang kuat melantak...

Kalo time cuti semester, lagilah aku kuat.

So my friend ada suggestkan dua produk nih.


Jus Mate 5

Korang rasa mana yang patut aku telan?

(p/s: Takde keje tahun ni kowt..)


::FAIZ:: said...

cuba ko pergi Slim World.... hehehe

Unknown said...

jangan makan byk nasik... or roti or ape2 yang ada bnyk carbohydrate...
y??...sebab badan bole convert carbohydrate jadik fat...

now, consume more protein.... like seafood (but not too much), and vagetables... because protein supply energy to the body as much as carbohydrates does...

drink more water...

exercise like 1 hour++ almost everyday... go jogging!!

do not skip ur meal... and dont take too much, stop before u get full...

i dont have any product to recommend


p/s: dont try to have a drastic drop in ur weight.... takes like 5 kilo for 3 month is ok!

F I T said...

kena aktid slalu..jgn dok rilex ja nnti lemak berkumpul..^_^

Judiene said...

perlu ke mende2 tu sume bro?

Abd Rahim said...

Diet jgn tak diet..banykkan berjogging...

Faizal Sulaiman said...

agree with ArdeeFauzan.sebanyak mana makan nasi akan covert to carbohydrate. kena balance makan ar;)

good luck!

Anonymous said...

moga trcap[ai!

e. indah said...

haluuu ...pernah gak akue nampak produk ne ...erm but better stay fit dgn cara tsendiri, natural, takyah lah ambik makanan2 smpingan utk kurus, takyah nak p slimworld kalu tak gempal sgt<bazir kan...

if possible just stay fit cara yg natural ...

The Writer said...

try eating rite and prevent from having late dinner...


joegrimjow said...

da tengok website ku

herbalife tuuu

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