Thank God to Allah that through His blessing, we managed to reach 2010.
01.01.2010 is a significant date for me.
It's the birthday of my HERO...
Thank God to Allah that through His blessing, we managed to reach 2010.
01.01.2010 is a significant date for me.
It's the birthday of my HERO...

To my dad,
"Abah, selamat hari jadi. Maafkan abang sebab tak dapat sambut birthday abah kali ni. Abang harap abah panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Abang doakan abah sihat selalu. Abang sayang sangat kat abah. Taun depan, abang janji kita sambut birthday abah sekali k?"
(p/s: Lets get better and happier in 2010. Amin...)
happy besday to him..
happy new year shah~
slmt taun baru!!!
selamat hari jadi pakcik & happy new year too :)
bro, epi New Year!
happy birthday abah!.. =P
smpai kn salam sy kt abh awk
selmt hr lahir tok dia
semoga pnjg umo n dimurhkn rezeki
semoga sehat n ceria selalu
salam harijadi semoga panjang umur murah rezeki
happy buzday uncle..& happie new year everyone..hee;)
thanks guys for the new year and birthday wish..
my dad wud be very happy if he happens to know this..
thanks bebanyak k?
happy belated birthday wish from me to your dad k?
:) Smile Always
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